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A protocol between owner and tenant that allows the rental of properties without a property deed.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Mantle — Pool Prize

💸 Celo — Best Payments dApp

🏊‍♂️ NeonEVM — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Scroll — Pool Prize

🤝 Polygon — Best Public Good

💡 Gnosis Chain — Most Innovative dApps

🏊‍♂️ Arbitrum — Pool Prize

Project Description

HouseFee brings a solution to the crisis in the Argentine real estate market, generating the collateral to access the rental of a property and being able to pay the costs in installments. If the contract is not fulfilled, the owner accesses the amount and the profits that it generates immediately and if the agreement is fulfilled, the tenant recovers his money and keeps 95% of the profits.

How it's Made

In this project we build our application by developing a solidity contract in Hardhat following the OpenZeppelin standards. A protocol between owner and tenant that allows the rental of properties without a property deed. The contract was deployed across multiple networks. For the Frontend we use Nextjs as the main framework, ethers.js, wagmi, rainbowkit, ensdomains/thorin. We also create events in solidity to create an api in the future or connect with some notification protocol.

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