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Hourglass allows companies to pay employees instantly, straight to their debit card.


Created At


Winner of

👩🏻‍💻 Polygon — Best UX and User Onboarding

Project Description

Hourglass will help onboard the next 100M users into crypto with a win-win solution for web2 employers and employees.

The problem: -For employees: the average person is living paycheck to paycheck. -For employers: the Great Resignation. No one wants to stay at their job.

The solution: Hourglass. Employers offer their workers a new benefit - instant payments, which they can use immediately on their debit card, while earning staking rewards. Employees no longer live paycheck to paycheck, and they stay at their jobs longer. Everyone wins.

The long-term vision: onboard everyone into crypto. Hourglass is a bridge between web2 and web3, focused on real world use cases. Hourglass will abstract away all the details of crypto - wallets, onboarding, etc. - for a seamless experience. Over time, users will naturally learn about crypto and may even choose to off-ramp from the service to a self-custodial wallet.

How it's Made

Superfluid - instant payments Various web3 tech - ethers, parseEther, etc. - for integrations

Eventually, we would build actual integrations with: -web2 payment rails (integrating with banks for employers to fund Superfluid transactions) -Aave / staking providers for automated yield for users -Debit card technologies for users to have instant access to their funds from their crypto wallets

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