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The Depreciation of the webrtc-star package has left the devex experience of ipfs pubsub in a sordid state. This project seeks to make a one touch environment to spin up browser to browser helia pubsub over webrtc


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Filecoin & IPFS — Pool Prize

Project Description

The Medium is the Message. HTTP over TCP/IP has an information dynamics where only a few voices are shouting at and selectively permitting the communication of the increasingly gagged masses. IPFS pubsub over WebRTC brings back bilateral communication back to the airwaves, but currently is more difficult to develop than TCP/IP. Let's create an infrastructure where we communicate with each other, instead of experiencing forced content injection, shadow banning and having to sell our information for the 'privilage' of experiencing this.

How it's Made

This project seeks to provide a docker compose that spins up multiple instances of a vite react app that bootstraps ipfs helia nodes with the libp2p config that enables pubsub over webrtc. It should create a fresh bootstrapping peer with fresh cert hashes that dont rot on the universal connectivity repo every couple of weeks. The app should resplice the ipfs-pubsub room package to work with helia instead of ipfs-js, the app should automate tls certificate generation with lets encrypt to enable trusted tls certificates to enable secure webtransport. The app should should be able to subscribe to a room and see other peers existing in the room. Boilerplate for signalling serves aught to be provided to make the process of creating ones own signalling server trivial

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