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HealthWallet is a private silo for your medical data. Hide your data or make it accessible to medical researchers - the choice is only yours!


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

👏 IPFS/Filecoin — Social Good Warrior

Project Description

HealthWallet is a private silo for your medical data. Hide your data or make it accessible to medical researchers - the choice is only yours! HealthWallet is a private silo for your medical data. Hide your data or make it accessible to medical researchers - the choice is only yours!

How it's Made

App is made with React and useDapp.

Feature: Patient adds data to HealthWallet

  1. On each test cartridge there is a QR-code with its serial number.
  2. Patient scans QR-code and the app starts periodically looking into ResultRegistry contract to get the CID of JSON file with the test results.
  3. The test is performed.
  4. Dx365 uploads its output in JSON format to IPFS via Lighthouse thus ensuring that this data will remain available (hopefully forever) and publishes a tuple (unique id, output CID) to ResultRegistry contract deployed on Polygon.
  5. HealthWallet downloads results and caches them locally.

Feature: Patient logs in from a completely new device and get his data back.

  1. HealthWallet stores list of test serial numbers internally and also backs it up in IPFS. This backup is a complete medical history of a person and so must be encrypted with Lit Protocol before upload.
  2. CID of the encrypted backup is then stored in DataAccessToken contract.
  3. DataAccessToken is similar to NFT and is used as a key for Lit Protocol. It also has one additional property - it can have a set of Guardians. With a majority vote Guardians can transfer DataAccessToken to a new address.
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