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Health Insurance DAO that automates the process of hospital filing claims and insurance companies going through with them, increasing speed, giving users power, and ensuring security


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project is a health insurance DAO that automates processes within the insurance industry. There are 3 main entities in this system. 1) Hospitals that submit insurance claims to the DAO. 2) Voting members of the DAO that decide whether a claim should be funded by the DAO or not. 3) Non-voting members of the DAO. Both voting and non-voting members of the DAO pay a monthly premium to the DAO treasury in order to be part of it. The idea is that this system will replace an insurance company. When a hospital submits a claim, voters are also patients within the DAO but are people that understand insurance rates, so they will be able to vote on whether a claim should go through. Once the claim is approved, anyone voting member can execute the transaction through safe protocol, and payout the hospital. The treasury of the DAO will aim to hold funds above a certain threshold, to make sure that claims are able to be paid out, and once another threshold has been reached, all members of the DAO will be paid similar to dividends, with the voting members getting paid more.

How it's Made

This project uses Solidity smart contracts for the DAO logic, Unlock protocol to manage the tiered memberships of the DAO, Safe protocol to secure multi-sig requirement for approving transactions of funds going out of the DAO, React in the Frontend, as well as Wallet Connect for integration of user wallets and safe account wallet. We used Unlock Protocol to sign users on and allow them to pay the monthly premium as a membership to be part of the DAO. Hospitals/Voting Members are able to connect to the Dapp via the safe account, meaning that they are able to initiate a proposal for a claim to be executed. Once the amount of owners of the safe account signs, anyone of the owners is able to execute the transaction and have the money sent to the hospital address. For the smart contract, we have a list of hospital address to be paid out, mapped to their string name, many variables to calculate the premium cost and profit as well as returns to the members, checker to see if a member is a voter or not, claims struct to handle all of the claims, and a payHospital function to initiate the claim transaction.

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