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hawler seek to provide psuedo-anonymous token transfers where only the sender and receiver know each other. This allows from some privacy between two parties transacting with each other.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Hawler seeks to provide an added layer of privacy to peer-to-peer payments by obfiscating the transacting parties so that only the sender and receiver know each other. Unlike other solution Hawler does not require the user to create a profile or setup, the sender simply sends the payment and creates a password.

The password is hashed off chain and sent on chain where that has is further hashed. A new smart contract wallet is generated by the Deposit contract and all funds are sent to it. The receiver upon receiving the address and password from the sender can simply withraw to a wallet/exchange of their choice. The withdrawal wallet requires the plain text password and the contract will hash and hash again to confirm that it matches the hash received on deposit, thus proving ownership.

For added security from brute-force hack, when withdrawing the receiver is required to send a toll amount on withdrawal which is returned if the password is correct and lost if the password is wrong, that will discougae brute-forcing due to the funds that would be lost by the hacker.

How it's Made

The project was built with Angular for the frontend and Solidity for smart contracts, the contracts were deployed with remix on Polygon zkEVM, Scroll, Gnosis Chain and Mantle.

Hawler seeks to provide an added layer of privacy to peer-to-peer payments by obfiscating the transacting parties so that only the sender and receiver know each other. Unlike other solution Hawler does not require the user to create a profile or setup, the sender simply sends the payment and creates a password.

The password is hashed off chain and sent on chain where that has is further hashed. A new smart contract wallet is generated by the Deposit contract and all funds are sent to it. The receiver upon receiving the address and password from the sender can simply withraw to a wallet/exchange of their choice. The withdrawal wallet requires the plain text password and the contract will hash and hash again to confirm that it matches the hash received on deposit, thus proving ownership.

For added security from brute-force hack, when withdrawing the receiver is required to send a toll amount on withdrawal which is returned if the password is correct and lost if the password is wrong, that will discougae brute-forcing due to the funds that would be lost by the hacker.

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