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Empowering farmers with comprehensive solutions


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Filecoin & IPFS - Unique Projects in Filecoin Ecosystem (up to 15 teams)

Prize Pool - Best overall use of Lighthouse SDK

Project Description

Harveeco is a project that aims to improve the lives of Indian farmers by leveraging the transformative power of blockchain technology, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). By integrating these technologies, Harveeco can create a more transparent, efficient, and profitable agricultural ecosystem for Indian farmers.

Harveeco addresses the following challenges faced by Indian farmers:

Challenges addressed:

  • Unpredictable yields: Farmers receive accurate, real-time data on weather, soil, and optimal crops, leading to informed decisions and increased yields.
  • Exploitative markets: Harveeco's decentralized marketplace eliminates middlemen, ensuring fair prices and transparent transactions.
  • Inefficient resource use: Real-time data and insights help farmers optimize irrigation, fertilizer use, and other practices, reducing environmental impact.


  • Increased crop yields and profitability: Farmers make informed decisions, eliminate exploitative practices, and optimize resource use.
  • Improved food security: Increased yields contribute to food security in India.
  • Reduced environmental impact: Optimized resource use and reduced chemical reliance lead to a more sustainable agricultural sector.
  • Empowered farmers: Information, resources, and market access empower farmers to make informed decisions and improve their livelihoods.

How it works:

  • Data collection: Weather stations, soil sensors, and agricultural experts provide data.
  • Data analysis: Machine learning algorithms identify patterns and trends.
  • Insights and recommendations: Farmers receive insights on how to improve practices.
  • Decentralized marketplace: Farmers sell their data directly to consumers and businesses.

How it's Made

Integrating blockchain, machine learning, and IoT presented several technical hurdles:


  • Scalability: Handling high data volume required optimizing network performance.
  • Security: Implementing robust protocols ensured data integrity and prevented manipulation.
  • Interoperability: Custom interfaces facilitated smooth data exchange across technologies.

Machine Learning:

  • Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and preparing raw data for accurate model training was complex.
  • Model Selection and Optimization: Identifying and optimizing the best algorithms was crucial for accurate predictions.


  • Sensor Calibration: Careful selection and calibration procedures ensured reliable data.

  • Security: Robust measures like firewalls protected the network and data from cyberattacks.

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