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Hagia Sophia

The gateway for scientists to receive funding that is heavily needed in the scientific community. Hagia Sophia, meaning Holy Knowledge, is a decentralized science platform that attempts to solve different problems of the scientific community through decentralization.

Hagia Sophia

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🆕 The Graph — 🥉 Best New Subgraph/Substream

Project Description

The project attempts to solve different problems of the scientific community.

1-) Funding: The platform enables crowdfunding for research proposals. This way scientists are able to raise funds to contribute to their fields. The platform also allows for companies or institutes to suggest research topics by opening bounties. The scientists in return can apply to these bounties, and receive the funds upon selection. 2-)Peer Review: The scientific community lacks a persistent peer review system where the methodologies, data, analysis, and conclusions are scrutinized. This causes a decrease in the quality of research papers. This platform aims to solve this problem by incentivizing other researchers to join a prize pool where they are guaranteed a pre-determined payment for their peer review. 3-) Data persistency: The scientific community also is not totally happy with the persistence of data and scientific findings as this information is sometimes lost. This platform aims to solve this by using persistent storage mechanisms like IPFS 4-) Scientific Community: The platform also aims to create a social interaction within the science community by allowing token gating for researchers as well as distributing NFTs for donors.

How it's Made

Smart contracts (Solidity) for the backend of the application, NFT distribution, and main logic. TheGraph to index blockchain events and use them in the front-end. Allowed for very easy querying of the relevant information stored on chain. WalletConnect as a wallet provider (Web3Modal) Wagmi for react hooks and viem chain abstraction React as front-end QuickNode NFT API to query who owns which NFT (token-gating on the front-end)

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