Our service promotes consistent habits like exercise, healthy eating, and learning. Users can bet on their success with real money, increasing motivation, and compete with others who have similar goals, fostering a competitive mindset.
We're developing a self-improvement service to help users establish consistent habits such as healthy eating, exercise, and learning. Our service includes two features: users can bet on their success with real money, increasing their motivation and providing a sense of accomplishment, and compete with others who have similar goals, fostering a competitive mindset. In order to process unstructured data such as exercise and learning with blockchain, we introduced a modulator concept similar to the node in the blockchain. Moderator verify user actions, and if they receive enough verifications, the actions are recognized. A manager role was created to monitor moderator and prevent authentication errors. These roles work together to create an ecosystem that benefits all involved.
The contract was built on EVM using Hardhat and deployed with the transparent proxy pattern for upgradability. The Habit Hacker contract, which inherits roles for controlling contracts and NFT collections, contains most of the important logic and is the only contract we interact with. The backend was built using Express with Ether.js, and a relayer wallet was created to handle most transactions, with only msg.value transactions processed on the frontend. Information prior to verification is temporarily stored and then recorded on the blockchain in specific batch units when verified by moderators. The frontend was built using Next.js and Prisma.