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Multi-chain guestbook built on Tableland that supports peer-to-peer messages


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Tableland — Prize Pool

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Guestbook where users can leave messages for others to read. It supports multiple chains and displays all messages in a unified format. It's possible to extend it to support encrypted messages as well. It uses Tableland as a backend to store messages in a structure format. Pretty much a simpler starter project.

How it's Made

It's built using Vite and React for the frontend, and it uses Tableland and Hardhat as frameworks for the on-chain data and contracts. The main languages for the front-end code is Typescript and for the smart contracts it's Solidity. Tableland contracts are used where available (on Polygon Mumbai), and a custom contract is deployed where no available (Scroll Testnet, Mantle Testnet, Filecoin Calibration).

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