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Pay for gas with your credit card.


Created At


Winner of

🔟 Optimism — Top 10 Deployed

🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize

Project Description

All EVM transactions use gas, and the sender of each transaction must have enough native token balance to pay for the gas spent. If the balance is not sufficient, the account is useless, even if it has funds in other tokens. This is a problem, especially for new user. With GoGas users can send transactions even with zero native token balance - they just can pay gas by a credit card. GoGas helps breaking down the barriers to entry and increasing adoption. It works with any EVM compatible chain.

How it's Made

There are two pieces - the backend (entry point) and UI. The user should connect to their wallet to the entry point as theirs RPC URL. This way it will ensure subsidizing the transaction gas. We used NodeJS + TypeORM + Stripe at the backend and React + Recoil + ethers.js at the frontend. It required good understanding of JSON-RPC API and the way how a wallet (MetaMask) works.

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