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GiveFire - The Collective Giving Protocol

GiveFire is a web3 protocol that makes the ritual of consistent collective giving go viral. Donate up to $10 to a non-profit of your choice with a group of friends, every week. Browse + donate to a social feed of trending nonprofits. Receive rewards and updates from non-profits.

GiveFire - The Collective Giving Protocol

Created At


Winner of

🧑‍⚖️ Optimism — Governance and Community Infrastructure

🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize

1️⃣ WalletConnect — 🥇 v1.0 Track

👩🏽‍💻 Web3Auth — 🥈 Best Use-Case and UX

🥇 ENS — Best Use

👁 ENS — I Saw The Sign

🏊‍♂️ ENS — Pool Prize

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

Project Description

GiveFire is a collective giving protocol that makes the ritual of consistent collective giving go viral

Your Fire Giving adventure starts with creating an account and forming a team, which can include up to four of your friends.

Once a week, you have the opportunity to… browse non-profits, propose a non-profit to donate to, and vote on whether you want to donate to that non-profit. If everyone in your FireGiving Circle votes yes to donating to that non-profit, up to 10 dollars from each member of your Circle will go directly to a wallet controlled by the non-profit. Your group donation also shows up in the app’s social feed, where members of other groups can hop on the trend of donating to that non-profit. Users can also browse trending non-profits from a non-profit leaderboard.

Imagine thousands of groups showing up week after week to contribute to good causes.

How it's Made

Technologies we used

For our front-end technologies, we used React.js, Tailwind.css, TS. We built out a mobile-first web application. For our back-end technologies, we used Prisma, Express.js, Heroku, Postgres. For design, we used Figma. We built out our mocks using it.

We utilized a few sponsor technologies for our web3 tech stack:

For the payments flows, we used Optimism, Aztec Network. We deployed our application to these two chains. The reasoning for these two choices was the low-gas cost (our app covers the gas fees for the user). Aztec Network allows for anonymous donations in specific use cases where the identity of the donor needs to be private - such as in cases of donations to women’s abortion rights non-profit organizations within states in the United States that are hostile to abortion rights.

For logins and identity verification, we used Worldcoin, Web3Auth, WalletConnect, ENS (Sign-in with Ethereum). We deployed Worldcoin to help verify the identity of the representative of the non-profit. We return data of whether or not the person has verified their proof of personhood on the Worldcoin device and give a special “Verified by Worldcoin” badge that helps people know which non-profits they can trust.

For notifications, we used Push Protocol. We deployed Push as a general notifications system for each non-profit organization. When a non-profit organization is created and receives a donation - donors are subscribed to that non-profit’s Push channel where they can receive regular updates about the impact of their funds as well as community engagement notifications to get further involved with that non-profit.

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