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Gift an NFT to someone without directly revealing it. Recreating the same experience as with real gift unwrapping !


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!

Project Description

This project allows someone to create an NFT gift box and send it to a friend. The recipient will then receive the NFT without being able to determine the content of the gift box. Once the gift creator decides, the gift recipient will receive a link allowing them to open the box and find out which NFT was hidden in the box.

How it's Made

We built this project for EVM chains. It is compatible with WalletConnet (through Web3 Onboard modal). It is deployed on both Polygon Mumbai and Optimism Kovan as the low gas fee enables users to try creating GiNFTs easily. All the gift metadata and images are stored on IPFS using to ensure the immutability of the gifts. We generate a client-side secret that is hashed along the gift Id to allow the gift recipient to claim the NFT only once the gifter has decided. Moreover, here are some features that we started to integrate but did not have the time to deploy: customizable gift wrapping paper (with multiple color pickers).

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