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NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them. NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them.

How it's Made

NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them.

NFT Birthday Cards is a platform that helps you protect your important memories, moments, and wishes. No more birthday cards ending up in the trash. With NFT Birthday Cards you can collect Birthday Cards, create, trade, and sell them.

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