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Create token-gated bounties with ERC20/721-based access control.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

💬 Push Protocol — Best Use of Conditional Gating

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Welcome to the Gated Bounty Protocol (GBP), an advanced and community-friendly bounty protocol designed to support various gating mechanisms for both developers and bounty creators. GBP enhances the bounty ecosystem by allowing the verification of users through mechanisms such as verified soulbound NFTs and reputation ERC20 tokens. This added layer of security and verification ensures a more trustworthy and flexible platform.

GBP is adaptable and can facilitate a wide range of protocols for different communities, making it suitable for platforms like Gitcoin, audit competition protocols, and various game theories.

GBP consists of two main components: Contracts and Frontend. Contracts The contracts form the backbone of the Gated Bounty Protocol. These contracts are responsible for managing and executing various functionalities of the platform.

ERC20 Contract for Reputation Tokens: This contract manages reputation tokens, which are used to verify and validate users within the GBP ecosystem. Users may need a specific amount of reputation tokens to participate in bounties.

ERC721 Contract for KYH (Know Your Hacker) Soulbound NFT: This contract handles the issuance and management of soulbound NFTs, which are crucial for verifying the identity of participants.

Factory Contract: The factory contract plays a central role in deploying other contracts within the GBP ecosystem. It helps create instances of the bounty contract when a new bounty is initiated on the platform.

Bounty Contract: The bounty contract is created for each new bounty initiated on the platform. It manages the specific requirements, rules, and rewards for that bounty.

Frontend: The frontend dApp is created using React. It provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the Gated Bounty Protocol. The frontend leverages the Push Protocol, offering various decentralized communication features, including:

Wallet-to-Wallet Notifications: Users receive notifications related to their bounties and interactions within the GBP ecosystem.

Gated Decentralized Group Chats: The platform supports group chats where users can discuss and collaborate on bounties, leveraging the security of gating mechanisms.

Push Spaces for a Bounty: Users can create dedicated push spaces for specific bounties, making it easy to communicate and coordinate within the context of a particular task.

How it's Made

Contracts: Smart Contracts are made using solidity and foundry

Supported Networks: Goerli Ethereum Testnet, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Scroll Sepolia Testnet, Mantle Testnet

All contracts are verified on their respective block explorers. Goerli Contracts:-

BountyFactory:, Erc20Reputation:, Erc721 KYH:

Polygon Mumbai Contracts:-

BountyFactory:, Erc20Reputation:, Erc721 KYH:

Scroll Sepolia Contracts:-

BountyFactory:, Erc20Reputation:, Erc721 KYH:

Mantle Testnet Contracts:-

BountyFactory:, Erc20Reputation:, Erc721 KYH:

Frontend:- React: The frontend of the Gated Bounty Protocol is built using React, a widely used JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.

TypeScript: TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript, is used in conjunction with React to enhance type safety and development productivity.

Wagmi: Wagmi is a collection of React Hooks containing everything you need to start working with Ethereum. wagmi makes it easy to "Connect Wallet," display ENS and balance information, sign messages, interact with contracts, and much more — all with caching, request deduplication, and persistence.

Viem: Viem is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum that provides low-level stateless primitives for interacting with Ethereum.

Rainbowkit: RainbowKit provides a fast, easy and highly customizable way for developers to add a great wallet experience to their application.

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