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FriendShape is a game in which players connect with each other to form edges in a social graph, in order to draw a graph that represents a picture that they are given as a target.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ XMTP β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

One or more players begin with a goal in the form of a graph, and a unique ID for this goal. To form an edge, a player sends a message via XMTP to another player with the goal ID. If the other player responds with the same goal ID, an edge is created. The aim is to encourage players to meet new people and deepen their relationships with existing friends, so that they can form the necessary edges to build the goal. Players win by creating a graph that is topologically equivalent to the goal. Once they win, they become a DAO which collectively owns an NFT commemorating their victory.

How it's Made

I did a lot of user testing on pen and paper, connecting with other hackers, showing them how the game works, and actually playing live-action versions of it with each other that resulted in new friendships being created.

For the software implementation, I used XMTP and Node/Express. I got it working a little bit--I was able to get the app to accept messages from a player and forward them to the other player, so that the app can capture the message info to add to the players' graph.

Next steps: -Create a data structure for graph, probably an adjacency list -UI (probably React) -Choose database (not sure on this, need to see which database will most easily handle the computationally intensive topological equivalence check)

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