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One such platform is Fluxen, a decentralized peer-to-peer short-term rental platform built on the Fuel blockchain. Fluxen allows users to rent out their properties or book accommodations using cryptocurrencies,


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🥇 Fuel — Best Sway Smart Contract

Project Description

Fluxen is a decentralized platform that aims to revolutionize the hotel industry using Web3 technology. Fluxen leverages the power of blockchain to create a transparent, secure, and decentralized ecosystem for renting properties.

The platform uses smart contracts to automate the process of renting properties, thereby reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring that all parties comply with the terms of the contract. Smart contracts also enable automated payment processing, making transactions faster, cheaper, and more secure.

How it's Made

Fluxen was created with FuelVM. Sway language, a DSL for the FuelVM, is used to write our smart contract. We used fuels wallet and fuels TS SDK in frontend to interact with the smart contract. We used Reactjs for the frontend and we built backend and APIs in Nuxtjs. We are working on adding more features to the platform and providing the best user experience.

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