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Provide a private network/cloud space for sending data in a decentralized way.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

3️⃣5️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Storage Mage

Project Description

Our project is a data storage platform that lets users store their file on our private IPFS network. The users firstly need to create an account which will contain a profile picture a nickname and their address. This made possible with our dynamic smart contract (0x9D1B3375F5FD98F58C815a58CA4eAFAFA251a4Ab) for now we only add the users basic needs. After that the user can upload a file and the CID will be encrypted and stored in one NFT. So the NFTs will be the files. With THE Grapgh's API we will filter the smart constract and obtain the most recent files and also the ones deleted.

The provider part was made simple by us. Every provider will need a Linux machine and Internet connection. After they have all of this they can simply run our bash script and are done.

How it's Made

The project uses Moralis for Web3 intteractions and also some other libraries like ipfs-http-client. All was made in JavaScript and React for the client side and for the provider side we only used Bash Script.

All the client side is wrapped with node in the backend part so that we can add the files from the backend. In this way we are not showing our private network's details.

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