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Our platform uses blockchain technology to protect and sell digital images. It ensures that photographers are fairly compensated for their work and that the rights to the images are clearly represented. It's a Web3 take on stock photography


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of

🔥 Filecoin & IPFS — 🏊 FVM Jetpacks

Project Description

Introducing the "Web3 Stock Images Protocol" - a revolutionary new way for photographers and visual creators to sell their work and earn a fair compensation for their efforts. The traditional stock photography industry, represented by centralized organizations like Shutterstock, has long been criticized for its unfair distribution of profits. These companies leverage their network effect to take the lion's share of the revenue, leaving creators with a small percentage of the proceeds. The Web3 Stock Images Protocol aims to solve this problem by leveraging the power of decentralized technology to create a fair and transparent marketplace for photographers and visual creators. By building our protocol on top of Filecoin, we can create a decentralized platform for image storage and distribution, bypassing the need for centralized organizations. With our protocol, photographers can sell their images directly to customers, without the need for intermediaries. This allows them to earn a higher percentage of the proceeds, as well as maintaining control over the distribution of their work. Our protocol also uses smart contracts to ensure transparency and fairness in the distribution of profits. This allows photographers to trust that they will be fairly compensated for their work, without the need for centralized organizations to act as intermediaries. In summary, the Web3 Stock Images Protocol is a decentralized alternative to centralized stock photography platforms like Shutterstock, that aims to empower photographers and visual creators by providing them with a fair and transparent marketplace, to sell their images and get a fair share of the proceedings.

Moreover, our protocol is a building block to create Data DAOs, big datasets of images curated and owned by creators.

How it's Made

We developed used two different repositories, one for the smart contract and the second one for the front end. The three contracts, developed using solidity, are respectively

  • FileStock.sol: storage and purchase of the images,
  • RightsNFT: mints the ERC1155 token to decrypt the images stored on lighthouse
  • CreatorNFT: mints the NFT token, the one which gives the rights to receive the proceedings from the image sales.

The frontend was built with NextJS, dividing the organization in pages that represent the steps the user does to upload the files and to buy them.

All the files are stored in lighthouse, which let us deploy them both encrypted and not, in order to protect the original ones and show to the user the images with the watermark applied.

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