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Decentralised Delivery Service App with Fair Compensation & Prices


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ The Graph — Pool Prize

🧞 Worldcoin — Most Creative

🏊‍♂️ Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Ether Eats is a decentralized Delivery Service leveraging Governance DAO Protocols with Proof of Humanity Mechanics to create a fair and equitable Business Model.

The current Landscape of Delivery Services like UberEats, DoorDash & GrubHub charge exorbitant fees up to 30% while paying their drivers vastly below minimum wage, who rely entirely on tipping to make a living. This Business Model isnt just greedy, its unsustainable and rapidly approaching illegality.

We believe the people doing the actual work should be rewarded first and foremost, and with a Governance DAO overseeing the decentralized delivery service contracts & their concrete mechanisms this can be achieved. It also just happens to still be cheaper than the competing delivery services ( not paying your CEO 1bn compensation goes a long way! :) )

The Smart Contracts consist of the Governance DAO, with Shares represented by ERC20 Tokens, and the EtherEats Delivery Service Contract, which facilitiates Deliverers and Customers accepting & delivering Orders trustlessly in a decentralised and private manner, while also implementing Reputation Systems and Malicious Actor Prevention Mechanics

The Relevant Delivery Customer Data, while on-chain, is encrypted via AES and only visible to the relevant deliverers, who acquired enough reputation to see and accept decrypted orders. This can be achieved by Providing a Proof of Humanity, Acquiring and Staking Governance & traditional KYC. The Decryption is happening on a Nestjs Backend via AES256-CBC, while the contract state is being saved on a decentralised Subgraph.

The frontend is made for mobile and strives to be as web2 approachable as possible to the Userbase. Customers & Deliverers have the choice to either use existing wallets or directly create local keypairs for an even more seamless UX&UI Experience, that makes the App seem like any other Web2 Delivery Service. The key storage is secured in the encrypted app-storage of the mobile device and also exportable to the User, which we believe is far superior for onboarding non crypto people than requiring separate applications on top.

How it's Made

Building Ether Eats was a journey through the intersection of blockchain technology and modern web development. Here's a breakdown of the technologies and methodologies we employed:

Smart Contracts: Written in Solidity, our smart contracts are the backbone of Ether Eats. We have two primary contracts:

Governance DAO Contract: This contract manages the governance of the platform. It uses ERC20 tokens to represent shares, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making.

EtherEats Delivery Service Contract: This contract handles the core functionality of order placement, acceptance, and delivery. It ensures trustless interactions between customers and deliverers.

Integration with Partner Technologies: Worldcoins verificiation for their Proof of Humanity

Decentralized Data & Privacy: While our contracts store data on-chain, we prioritize user privacy. Essential delivery data is encrypted using AES before being stored. This ensures that only authorized deliverers can access and decrypt the information. The decryption process happens off-chain, on our Nestjs backend, using AES256-CBC encryption.

The Subgraph: To efficiently query and index blockchain data, we integrated The Graph. This decentralized protocol allows us to maintain an up-to-date state of our contracts without relying on centralized databases.

Frontend Development: Our user interface, optimized for mobile devices, is built using Nextjs & ethers. We aimed for a seamless Web2-like experience, ensuring that even users unfamiliar with blockchain feel at home. To achieve this, we implemented features allowing users to use existing wallets or create local keypairs directly within the app. This data is securely stored in the encrypted storage of the mobile device, ensuring both security and ease of use.

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