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ERC721 Parent & Child

An implementation of the ERC721 standard that focuses on creating a Parent to Child contract relation that enables associated tokens to travel with its parent.

ERC721 Parent & Child

Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

9️⃣ IPFS & Filecoin — Top 9

Project Description

Our project was to create a smart contract interaction where one parent NFT could maintain a list of child NFTs. We built a fullstack website with ethers and MetaMask integration to support minting. We deployed our collection on the Polygon network and additionally made a generative algorithm for the art that illustrated the relationship between parent and child NFTs. The collection has a parent token that represents the first token that each wallet can uniquely mint once. From there, the child token mints are enabled and feature the original parent token, but with an additional unique background.

How it's Made

Our frontend is built with NextJS, our backend consists of express.js, and the generative art was created using the Javascript canvas framework ZIM and uploaded to IPFS and using for our metadata upload.

We chose to deploy our contracts on the Polygon mainnet because it is faster and allowed us to deploy complex contracts without worrying too much about gas costs. We also made a custom subgraph for The Graph which saved us the effort of implementing an event listener and database.

At the end of the day, our project allowed us to implement a functioning website that we can interact with and see working throughout the lifecycle from user clicking a mint button and kicking off smart contract interactions, all the way to viewing their new unique NFT art. The quality of the generative art, seeing our smart contracts succeed on Polygon mainnet, and seeing our work on OpenSea were some of our favorite highlights during the hackathon!

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