Edu-Lend is a platform where Samaritans of the world could contribute anonymously or non-anonymously to the budding developers who are currently facing a entry barrier for participating in events like Hackathons (or) taking up educational bootcamps/courses ,etc
The workflow revolves around the main concepts of :
Authentication, Attestation, Validation, Tracking, Funding privacy.
- One of the core fundamental of the protocol is that to limiting the authentication of a person to a singular entry and avoid having duplicate dimensional requests of the same individual .
- This authentication is achieved through WorldCoin, wherein we validate the Proof of humanity , thus limiting and authenticating the user such that single address belongs to single person
- Along with proof of humanity, the user also authenticates his twitter, github profiles along with other certificates, which will be useful later in the process for decision making.
- Once the authentication is done, User then initiates his attestation, wherein he states :
- The Name of the Hackathon / Bootcamp / Event
- Organization
- Required Fund
- Deadline to pay,
- etc . .
- The submitted Attestation is then validated by the counterparty (Organization)
- A mutual attest to the former, confirming the attestation submitted by the user is Credible.
- On Confirmation, the attestation would then trigger a proposal to the DAO for decision-making.
- DAO would vote on the proposal based on the public profiles like twitter, github and past certificates .
- Once the proposal is approved, the counterparty is funded with the requested money and a soulBound token is then minted to the user’s wallet.
- The soulbound token is a fully-onchain-NFT, which shows the course Id and status of the course
- The user is debarred from applying in future, if he holds any soulBound NFT with the status of ‘Defaulted’
- However, he can still pay penalty fees to burn the ‘defaulted’ soulbound Token and can become eligible again for applying for future events.
- The Users with a soulbound Token of status: ‘Completed’ are the given option to keep the tokens in their wallet (or) burn them as required.
This project uses World Coin, ZkBob, EAS, nextId, PolygonID, AragonOS, Safe, NEAR BOS.
- The authentication in the system is achieved through WorldCoin, wherein we validate the Proof of humanity , thus limiting and authenticating the user such that single address belongs to single person
- The ZkBob is used in order to make way for private funding the samaritans, such that by the use of direct deposits their identity remains anonymous.
- The Attestation of course enrolments to Hackathons and bootcamps are done by EAS, where mutual attestation is required for credibility.
- NextId focuses on the part of linking and validating the twitter and git handle of the user, which is used later for DAO decision making.
- PolygonId is used for certificate verification and validation which were attested by the user
- AragonOS is used for the DAO decision making wherein we decide to sponsor the user or not based on his certificate credibility, linkedIn, github , twitter profiles, etc.
- Safe is used for the Vault handling where the treasury for the sponsors are handled
- NEAR BOS is finally used for deployment