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Dual Dialogue

Building a platform to encourage dialogue between two sides in potentially controversial topics.

Dual Dialogue

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ Mantle β€” Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

In this increasingly divided world, I am building a platform to encourage dialogue between two sides in potentially controversial topics. Many platform nowadays only recommend content similar to user’s point of view , but web3 is an open space and I hope to build something that encourage clash in opinion discussion in opinions with monetary incentive to ensure quality of opinion.

In this prototype user can create questions with two options with a bounty, deadline, and a small minimum entry stake. The minimum entry stake is meant to incentives good quality answers, which will be returned unless their answer as been marked as spam/AI-content/hate speech.

Questions will be displayed on front page and user will be able to submit their vote with a rationale (minimum 30 character).


  • Every person who share their opinion will get a share of bounty unless their answer has been marked by admin as spam or hate speech, regardless of whether they voted for the majority or not.

  • Every person who submit an answer must submit a small stake(defined by question creator) alongside of the question, stake will be returned as well unless the answer got marked to reduce spam.

How it's Made

Tech Tools Used:

  • React
  • Solidity
  • Hardhat
  • WAGMI Library
  • Rainbotkit

Deployed on following chains:

  • Scroll Sepolia
  • Mantle Testnet
  • Goerli
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