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Track transactions that fail in the UI and never make to the chain.


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Winner of

👩🏽‍💻 Polygon — Best UX/DX

🥇 Coinbase — Built on Coinbase Cloud

Project Description

Details in

on-chain data is good to understand the behavior of users that completed a transaction. But transactions that fail because of UI bugs are never tracked correctly. In addition, frontend devs struggle to understand encoded error messages.

Dragon offers an SDK to track such transactions and a dashboard to visualize and analyze such transactions and the users behind them.

How it's Made

I published a javascript SDK to be used in the frontend when catching an ethers transaction error. The SDK decodes and transforms the error data, then ingest it into a Kafka cluster, to be consumed by the dragon dashboard.

The data is also available through a REST API.

  • Metamask error code and logs were a starting point to solve the decoding issue
  • Coinbase Cloud is the RPC provider behind the data pipeline
  • The data pipeline is using an Ethereum Signature database to decode errors.

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