digital tickets stream platform help content creator sell tickets
DST is a live ticketing system managed by an NFT protocol. Users can create custom fee-based NFT protocols or import existing NFTs as tickets for live streaming videos on the platform. Only players who hold specific NFTs are able to enter the user's live streaming room and engage in interactions. We have also integrated a push protocol that allows subscribed users to receive our broadcast information promptly through a browser plugin or mobile app once the live stream begins. Furthermore, our custom NFTs have a withdrawal feature, enabling users who create live streaming rooms to withdraw their ticket revenue at any time
In the frontend part, we have used the Next.js framework and the DaisyUI component. We are using Polybase to record our room information and subscribed user information. Additionally, we are utilizing the push protocol to notify our subscribed users when a live stream starts. Users who have purchased custom NFTs can watch the upcoming livestream