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Defi social graph on top of Lens protocol. To expand it a bit, the investments made by users like trade or buy/sell of ERC20/ERC721, lend/borrow, a governance vote on defi protocol, perps positions, or any DeFi activity of users will all be captured by DefiLens.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

πŸ₯‡ The Graph β€” Best use of existing subgraph(s)

Project Description

Abstract: What is DefiLens?

Defi social graph on top of Lens protocol. To expand it a bit, the investments made by users like trade or buy/sell of ERC20/ERC721, lend/borrow, a governance vote on defi protocol, perps positions, or any DeFi activity of users will all be captured by DefiLens.

To expand it further, it’s like a social news feed of defi activity of the users. Anyone and everyone can discuss on the txns of the users they are following, and in addition can potentially choose to make social trade for themselves.

1). Social trading: investing that allows investors to observe the trading behaviour of their peers and expert traders. If someone would like to replicate a tx for them, they can execute the same trade and create the same position and publish on the news feed.

In future platform we analyze the defi protocols and provide different kind of activities, like sandwich attack, MEV profitable strategy, Perp profitable position. so user can social trade or copy same trade for them.

2). Discussions: What kind of discussions can be done?

If someone creates a perp long position worth of 2 ETH at 3x leverage, the kind of discussions that can be initiated For Beginners of Defi What is perp position, leverage, lifecycle of this tx, how funding payment works?

For Defi Devs How the calculations of various formula works for this tx such as, funding payment, leverage calculation, notional value, etc.?

For Traders Traders can discuss how much return this strategy/position can provides, for instance, pnl, realized or unrealized pnl for this tx. Trader can provide support to others by answering questions in a way via charts, figures, images, or anything with other relevant data, etc

Vote-upvote on discussions search most discussed and voted post for read Even everyone can give vote or upvote for discussions happen on any post. So in future if someone wants to learn something about perp long position, so they can search topic like perp long position on search bar. And most voted discussions on perp can available orderBy. And users can read some legitimate info about their favourite topic.

How it's Made

We are using TheGraph protocol to fetch users past defi activity. at present we are using 4 subgraphs of the graph. in future we are going to integrate more subgraphs.

After fetching activities from subgraph, user post on the lens by account abstraction module of Biconomy-smart-wallets.

And once the tx post on lens, User can perform the social trade and discussions for them.

So in nutshell, we are making a social graph for defi to give users a best defi-experience in a way they can track all defi activities in a public social way. and also they can perform activities from platform by Meta-Tx and Account Abstraction manner.

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