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Build a social graph for Defi. So open discussions platform can be made on defi.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

DefiLens is a Social graph for Defi. It will take user's transactions, trades, positions or any defi activity. And Suggests users to put on social graph lens. Once transaction on lens, It will be available to everyone as a POST. POST like social post. By making available to everyone,

  • Other users can discuss on that transaction/post. Can create a open discussion platform for defi Post.
  • Like if, vitalik creates 10 ETH worth of short position on perp. then how that short position works. Technical, non'tectnical discussions can be made by comments.
  • Other users can copy that trade and create same trade for them using that post. And Same post will be create for user after same position created.
  • We can create awareness about defi by showing post in a way so new web3 users can learn from it.
  • compare two posts/txs profit/loss, APRs. Like if i deposited same amount in these two protocols and we can analyze respective their data and can compare.
  • So in this way we can learn more specific strategies, core concepts of defi, create a simulation of someone's post and track apr.
  • Many more usecase can be made by making defi open discussion platform.

I deployed on Polygon MAINNET.

How it's Made

Challenge I ran into the in get th publication from lens where it was really hard for me to do initially. But Len's guys helpful yogi and sasi. They are very calm and helpful.

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