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We are creating a decentralized platform In which a user can upload the different category datasets and also upload the ML Model, and by uploading the code users can compute their code in a decentralized way.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🥈 Tableland — Best Use

🥇 Lighthouse — Best Use

Project Description

De-Data Collabria: Empowering Data Collaboration and Decentralized Computation

De-Data Collabria is a cutting-edge platform that revolutionizes data collaboration and empowers users to harness the power of decentralized computation. Our platform enables seamless collaboration on datasets and machine learning models, fostering innovation and accelerating data-driven projects.

By leveraging our platform, users can easily upload and share datasets and models, collaborating with a vibrant community of data enthusiasts. But we go beyond collaboration by introducing decentralized computation. This approach distributes computational tasks across a decentralized network, enabling faster and more efficient ML model training. It reduces training times, enhances scalability, and ensures robust and reliable computations.

With De-Data Collabria, you can upload your data, define computations, and let our platform handle the rest. Our focus on privacy and security ensures that your data remains protected throughout the collaboration and computation processes.

Join us at De-Data Collabria to unlock the true potential of your data. Experience the power of collaborative innovation and decentralized computation, shaping the future of data together.

How it's Made

De-Data Collabria is a unique platform designed to facilitate data collaboration and decentralized computation. By harnessing the power of Bacalhau, Filecoin, Lighthouse, Tableland, and other cutting-edge technologies, we provide users with an intuitive and efficient environment for uploading datasets, sharing machine learning models, and collaborating on data-driven projects.

With Bacalhau as our decentralized computation engine, users can execute computationally intensive tasks with speed and cost-efficiency. Whether it's training machine learning models or performing complex data analytics, Bacalhau empowers users to leverage decentralized resources for seamless job execution.

The deployment of smart contracts is handled through Filecoin's calibration testnet, ensuring secure and reliable transaction management within our platform. By leveraging Filecoin's decentralized storage and retrieval network, we guarantee the integrity and accessibility of our smart contract ecosystem.

Tableland serves as a user-friendly interface, presenting job IDs and CIDs in a convenient tabular format. This allows users to easily track and manage their computational tasks, monitor job progress, and retrieve essential information for analysis and collaboration.

Lighthouse, our chosen storage solution, enables secure storage and retrieval of datasets, machine learning models, and images. Users can confidently upload, manage, and share their data assets, fostering seamless collaboration and integration of data into computational workflows.

Real-time notifications are facilitated through the implementation of the Push Protocol. Users receive timely alerts regarding job completion and the availability of generated outputs, ensuring they stay informed throughout the process.

Smart contract development is streamlined using Hardhat Remix Solidity, while the frontend is built using React. These technologies provide a solid foundation for secure and user-friendly interfaces, enabling an intuitive experience for our users.

At De-Data Collabria, we are committed to empowering users to unlock the full potential of their data. Through our platform, users can collaborate, perform decentralized computations, and drive groundbreaking innovations in the world of data-driven projects.

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