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A decentralised, censorless, and permissionless data marketplace where anyone can sell any data including but not limited to games, apps, software, videos, and images.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

🚀 FVM — Best Programmable Storage Market

Project Description

Welcome to our decentralized data marketplace, where users have the freedom to sell their data anonymously. In this platform, we believe that users should have the right to control and profit from their own personal data. Our platform is built on a decentralized system that ensures the privacy and security of our users' data. We leverage the power of blockchain technology to create a transparent and trustworthy marketplace that facilitates the exchange of data between buyers and sellers. Here, any user can upload and sell any type of data, from personal information to consumer behavior data, without worrying about their identity being exposed. Our platform guarantees anonymity for both buyers and sellers, ensuring a secure and private transaction process.

How it's Made

This project uses FVM actors for storage deal-making and Polybase for retrieving data for the marketplace. DataEx is a one-of-a-kind data marketplace where users can monetize their data. We used React.js, FVM, and FVM-hardhat-kit contracts. Our project is heavily dependent on FVM.

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