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daoPOP allows members to set a metric that tracks their social engagement and incentivices based on activity in the D.A.O.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

This D.A.O project builds upon common utility of D.A.O's which is pooling funds for investment purposes for a common/communal benefit. The D.A.O incentivises social engagement(proposal, votes) based on metrics set by the members and calculates a singular trackable Proof of Participation variable which serves as a baseline for how much of the D.A.O rewards a user gets through a token streaming functionality implementation which allows weekly member rewards that are automated and more efficient based on their input both capital wise and activity wise.

How it's Made

I built this project using popular common tooling to achieve the goal I had in mind. Hardhat, Openzeppelin and Ethers are the base-level tools I used to build the contracts and their frontend interactions. I leveraged some of the sponsor's amazing platforms and tools to enable this project to achieve some cool functionality. I chose Polygon as the chain my project resides in thanks to their quick transactions, throughput and awesome developer experience. I used QuickNode as a node provider to be able to connect to Polygon and interact with my contracts. I used Superfluid's tools for token streaming to members' rewards based on the D.A.O's treasury which is filled by DeFi investment returns proposed and approved by members. I believe token streaming is a more efficient/hands-off approach D.A.Os can adopt to improve operations and automate as many operations as they can.

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