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DAOmocracy is a dapp for decision-making by random delegations and rewarding individuals for votes that benefit the collective


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🥇 drand — Best Use

Project Description

I have perceived these problems about DAO governance: -Individuals want to be involved in DAO governance, but the number of decisions and amount of information is overwhelming. -Low voter participation leaves collective intelligence potential untapped while creating the potential for abuses by the controlling group . Control, campaigning, and personalities impact DAO governance more than the collective interest.

These problems inspired DAOmocracy, which is built on two principles: -Decision-making by random delegations -Rewarding individuals for decisions that help the collective

Here are two blog posts I have written about DAOmocracy:

The DAOmocracy dapp in its current stage allows a user to connect wallet, submit a proposal, receive a random delegation, and be notified on Push.

How it's Made

DAOmocracy is built from Scaffold-Eth, which enables ENS name and avatar resolution by RainbowKit. Upon submission of a proposal, drand's api is called to get the latest random number. That number seeds the random number generator, which is used to select a random subset of addresses from the DAO member array. Push SDK is then used to notify those addresses that they have received a delegation.

For the demonstration, I hardcoded a DAO member array of five addresses and opted in each of those addresses to the DAOmocracy channel in the Push staging environment. I hardcoded the sample size to three. Full implementation of DAOmocracy would include a sample size calculated from the size of the DAO.

Notes on past work: I have been working on this idea since February, but started building everything that exists of the dapp on top of scaffold-eth after this hackathon began. I submitted DAOmocracy to the Chainlink hackathon on June 11th with the same front end but without drand and Push. (

Notes about version control: This was my first time building a dapp and a frontend, so things were pretty chaotic... When things seemed beyond repair, I started from a new repo. I see now this is not an awesome strategy. The repo in the next question is the latest code, but these other two show the history:

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