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A DAO platform where your organisation can conduct decentralised secure voting for solving any problems you faced in your organisation.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

DAOist is here to revolutionise the way you run your business! Using our decentralised autonomous organisation platform, you can make sure that all decisions of your organisation are taken with the consent of all its stakeholders.

With our decentralised, autonomous platform, you can easily invest in any organization of your choice with total transparency and fairness. Our decentralized voting system will ensure that everyone's voice is heard and all investors are able to understand how their money is being managed. Invest in a secure and transparent way with DAOist!

How it's Made

DAOist is built using Next-Js and Tailwind CSS. It uses Polybase as the primary data storage for DAOist. Organisation details and Users details are stored using Polybase.

Unfortunately due to timing constraints, I couldn’t complete the entire project and many features are left to be added. Here I have created a small demo version of it.

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