a dao discovery and curation tool for users to take informed decision by using analytics,user review etc also help daos communicate with people outside the dao display bounties,jobs,find their new users
we are creating a product hunt of dao , a discovery,curation and analytics app which will help new users make informed decisions
are app is a tool for non-members of the dao to understand the human level operations and efficiency of the daos by using user reviews,every member of the dao can review,upvote their dao and we rank daos using the user reviews and analytics
for monetisation of our app we have a nft banner using superfluid and a paid newsletter feature using superfluid
our platform also acts as a tool for daos to attract new users to their community by helping them post jobs, bounties and opportunities available in their dao
users can apply to jobs and track their progress in our app
we are using orbitdb ipfs peer to peer database to create a open transparent api to store data
covalent ,snapshot and the graph to query data.
we are using covalent and snapshot API to query blockchain data and store it in our orbitdb IPFS database
we will use cronjobs to update out database periodically
we will also be storing reviews, upvites,jobs,newsletters in our ipfs database and create a rest API to interact with our frontend
we are using create-react-app redux,tailwind as our forntend stack
we are fetching blockchain data from our own backend
we will use superfluid to create gated newsletter page accesable only to people who have created superflow
we will use superfluid to create a nft billboard