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DAODashBoard allow you to explore blockchain data collections specifically DAOs in a simple and efficient way.


Created At


Winner of

🏊‍♂️ IPFS — Pool Prize

Project Description

The Problem:

There are few applications that allow to explore blockchain data collections specifically DAOs in a simple and efficient way.

The Solution:

Use data science tools that allow different actors to explore a DAO and make informed decisions . This solution use Jupiter Notebooks and Google Collab to query import a CVS from a DAO and analyze it , upload the file to IPFS and finally use GraphQL to query the DAO GitHub user and Repo.

How it's Made

This project use Jupiter Notebooks (python base) , Web3 API and GraphQL client API. We use IPFS to upload the data collection . GraphQL API from Github you can query a specific DAO. The idea behind this demo is to use data science tools that allow different actors to explore a DAO and make informed decisions

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