Set and forget, recurring, and onchain automated swaps from Dai to Ether.
This project provides cheap fees, self-custody, and full onchain automation for people who are looking to implement their DCA(Dollar-Cost Averiging) strategy onchain, easily swapping their Dai stablecoin into Ether at a regular basis. You give token allowances to a contract, and chainlink keepers will call a function that will swap the Dai from your wallet into Eth without you losing self-custody.
I used Chainlink keepers to regularly call the smart contract, which was built and tested using Foundry. Frontend was built with Next.js, tailwindCSS, rainbowKit, wagmi, and viem. Deploying the contract to Arbitrum made competing with central exchanges' pricing possible. Uniswap's Universal Router made it easy to swap Dai for Eth and unwrap it all in one call.