A swiss knife for Bacalhau, everything you need in an easily accessible dashboard.
Our platform lets users offload their extensive CPU workloads to Bacalhau, an off-chain compute network closely packed to IPFS storage, making file retrieval faster. Users can use several features our platform offers, like training Tensorflow models, uploading data from web2 to web3 storage using Spheron, running Python or Node.js scripts and many more in just a matter of clicks.
Easy-to-use marketplace allows users to upload their Actions in the future and even monetise them if needed. Actions are CLI commands that can be fed into Bacalhau.
They can manage their bacalhau jobs, check the status or results, redeploy jobs, and many more.
Contains two codebases, Server and Client.
The server is written using Node.js which interacts with several SDKs and libraries to power the platform.
The client is built using React.js, Material components and other client-based SDKs. Hosted on Spheron.