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Introducing CryptoCommune: A decentralized savings protocol where users collaboratively deposit crypto assets , enabling investment purposals, emergency withdrawals through community voting. Secure your financial future with trusted peers.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

Project Description

CryptoCommune is an innovative DeFi protocol designed for the ETHonline Hackathon 2023, fostering financial growth & security within communities. Users commit to deposits of crypto assets, building an investment pool and safety net for themselves and their peers. In times of urgency, individuals can request early withdrawals of their funds through voting, subject to community approval through a transparent voting mechanism. CryptoCommune empowers trust and solidarity among its users, offering a unique approach to financial stability in the world of decentralized finance.

How it's Made

It is made using react, and rainbow kit, and we deployed our solidity smart contract on Mantle for faster execution. We also used Graph but are in the process of implementing it.It takes the funds in smart contract created address and then after purposal if it get approved it will automatically transfer the funds to the address.

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