Storage providers found some difficulties to fully utilize their storages. Specifically, when they provide the storage and listed on a registry, they need to compete with big providers who already have reputation scores.
The storage price is still fraction since they have not been discovered the fair price.
The solution
Provide a data marketplace, where data owners can publish a storage request. Then, storage providers (or bounty hunters) can make deals and collect bounty from the offer.
There can be many deals matched to an offer. In that case, the reward is equally distributed to deal makers.
User types
Data provider: people who want to store data on the Filecoin network
Storage provider: people who provide data storage on the Filecoin network. They want to maximize storage utilization to maximize profit.
Bounty hunter: people who match data deal on behalf of storage provider and data provider. They help increasing the whole network storage utilization and get bounty as a reward.
A data provider uploads data on the platform. He determines:
1.1. File to upload
1.2. Deal duration
1.3. Reward
The data will be cached on an IPFS node.
During the uploading step, the data provider deposits FIL into a smart contract as a reward.
The deposited FIL will be locked in the smart contract for 1 day (can be changed).
Storage providers and bounty hunters get notified on new data offering.
They can make storage deals and get deal IDs.
They can use their deal IDs to request for reward claim on the smart contract.
When the time is up, every deal maker can claim their reward. The reward will be evenly divided by the number of deal makers.
If there is no deal makers on that offer, the data provider can claim the token back.
How it's Made
Tech stack
Frontend: Next JS (TypeScript)
Backend: Nest JS (TypeScript)
Smart contract: Solidity, Hardhat
Frontend deployment: Spheron
Cloud server: Digital ocean
Database: Postgreql
ORM: Prisma
UX/UI: Figma
Wallet: Metamask
CSS framework: Tailwind css
Backend server
The backend server handles all off-chain business logics and supports some on-chain logics. We use "Lotus CLI" for Filecoin node interaction.
The frontend connects to the backend server for interacting with off-chain business logics and data. It will directly interact to a smart contract for token transferring and making some on-chain process.
Smart contract
The smart contract is built for automating bounty distribution process. It uses "Zondax" Filecoin.sol API to interact with Filecoin network through the smart contract layer.
Partner integration:
We use Spheron to host our website on Filecoin and bind our custom domain name to make the url friendly.