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Airdrops made simple. Select a token, an amount, and a strategy. One click, and you will deploy a Merkle Tree airdrop.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

This project streamlines the process of creating a merkle drop. The potential recipient opens the frontend, and can see pending, dispersed airdrops pointing to them. The donor can deploy airdrops in a simple way, by choosing a token, an amount, and a strategy. A "strategy" is composed of a function that returns eligible addresses and weights. The application will take care of calculating how much is awarded to each address, and deploy the airdrop through one function call.

How it's Made

Cocodrop uses a smart contract, TheGraph, and a frontend. Strategies are chain independent, but airdrops should be deployed on any chain, so contract-subgraph pairs are deployed for a bunch of relevant EVM compatible chains. The merkle proofs are uploaded to IPFS, with the URI available as an event. The frontend is available through an ENS domain, with the code also available through IPFS. Strategies can be calculated in any arbitrary way, but we had limited time, so we chose a series of interesting criteria for choosing airdrops: being registered in Proof of Humanity, holding a POAP, holding Sismo zk-badges...

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