ClubCast - a DAO clubhouse where the member have the power to decide the topics members truly care about. Buy a "club fragment", vote on the topic and ensure every session you attend is truly worth your time.
Welcome to "ClubCast"! What is it and why do we need this? Let's think about it, have you ever felt buyer's remorse after getting an online course that was just not advanced enough for you? Or subscribe to a YouTube channel only to find out the content is not interesting at all? ClubCast is a governance club platform that not only ensures the host creates good content but also makes members get what they want.
How does it work? For hosts:
For members:
Come on over to ClubCast, where content meets democracy, and where we truly the rights of members. See you in the club!
This project uses NextJs to build the frontend and use Firebase as the backend. About the smart contract, I use hardhat as the developing environment for programming, testing, and deploying.
Let's start with how I build the smart contract first. I use Openzepplin Contract Wizard to generate the basic framework for ERC20, ERC721, and Governance contracts. I just added a few functions to it for testing and creating data. The most important is the ClubCast contract. I wrote it form scratch and included all the features that are required in the project, check for more detail. ClubCast supports multiple chains, including Mumbai, MantleTest, and Scroll Sepolia. Moreover, I plan to use UMA Oracle to query off-chain real-world data to assert whether the refund request matches the requirements.
For the frontend,