Quickly look up and gauge the reputation of any profile on Lens. See who has the most "cloudt"!
"Cloudt" is a portmanteau of "cloud" and "clout". This project uses the Lens protocol's GraphQL API to gauge the reputation of users. A reputation score is calculated based on the user's number of followers, total comments, total posts, and other metrics (scoring weights are varied based on importance). ENS lookup is supported, and users with WorldCoin (proof of personhood) have a verified badge signifying that they are a real person. A high reputation score means the user is more likely to be trustworthy, and this information can ultimately be used to support other projects. For instance, a feature that was planned (but I ran out of time to implement) was a donation/tipping system where users can browse a gallery of high-reputation profiles and tip them in exchange for networking with them. Similar systems can be implemented that incentivize high-reputation (and thus higher quality content/engagement).
This project consists of a React frontend that hooks into Len's GraphQL api for various profile stats. Other features such as ENS translations are handled by wagmi, and allow for convenient lookup of users without inputting their full Ethereum address. WorldCoin registration status is also used to verify if users are in fact human (which allots them a verified badge in the search result page). I used the ChakraUI component library.