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A peer to peer decentralised payments network for commerce.


Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🥇 Boba Network — Best Use

✨ Push Protocol — Runner Up

Project Description

CheckoutDAO is a community of builders, merchants, hosts, sellers, and buyers. Through our open-source software for commerce, we control our checkout experience, make extra profits from our transactions, and decide on the future of our technology. Our technology is accessible, customizable, and fairly owned by anyone who uses it.

Via a novel contribution-based model, the checkoutDAO and it's Alliance create, maintain, and grow the web3-native checkouts and smart contracts that allow sellers to accept peer to peer payments from their clients directly. And assign rewards to each sellers for their transactions and the value they help create. All done on-chain.

This alignment opens the door for a new era of commerce, one where the value creators are also the value keepers. A new equilibrium where all the participants are better off.

How it's Made

A smart contract tracks every transaction on the network and assigns a reward to its contributor. The size of the reward depends on the payment method and amount of such transaction. Both buyers and seller gain part of in the financial value created by their transactions. This gain is capture by the checkoutDAO's technology and infrastructure that is able to aggregate transactions, reduce costs and optimize payment routes on behalf of all sellers.

At the end, merchants, hosts, sellers and buyers re-gain control over their payments, make extra profits from their transaction, and have a say on the future of the technology that they use and help create.

At ethBogota, we decided to hack Airbnb. What we did:

  1. An open-source, alternative checkout for Airbnb that allows guests to book directly with hosts in USDC using WebConnect and Metamask and save the 20% fee of Airbnb .
  2. A smart contract on both Polygon and Optimism that automatically keeps track of all bookings on chain.
  3. A Dashboard for both guests and hosts to log in using Web3Auth in order to see:
  • All their bookings
  • Their contributions to the treasury of the DAO
  • The tokens allocated to them based on such contributions.
  • The treasury, liquidity, and treasury composition.

For this Hack, our alternative checkout was deployed as a Chrome extension using react.js as well as the dashboard. The smart contracts were written in Solidity and the direct querying of the bookings on change was done using Ethers.js and Alchemy as well as Coinbase Node

Worth Mentioning: Since all the data is on-chain we did not required a backend and all the apps are dynamically integrated.

At the end we were able to build a full solution that allows any guest to book directly with their host in a safe and reliable way. Saving them up to 20% on every booking. Pretty awesome!

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