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Project Achievement Certification Platform based on NFT Career Profile


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥉 The Graph — Best New Subgraph or Substream

Project Description

Project Achievement Certification Platform based on NFT Career Profile

We present the best way to authenticate builder's careers reliably and permanently. Builders no longer need to waste time filling their resumes with big words every time. They can simply design, code, and plan to enjoy hacking, expose their automatically stacked NFT achievement credentials, and get the right job offers.

Builders can create projects and recruit team members. Communities or companies can create groups and award built projects with various career-certifying NFTs. For example, NFTs can be given for grants, design evaluations, code reviews, project feedback, and more. Project members can own the NFTs they receive in one place on their 6551-based TBA and permanently validate their careers with a single NFT profile. All of these career-certified NFTs will be minted to SBT, making them non-tradable. Community groups that can create new NFTs can choose to create SBT or erc-721 NFTs when creating their NFTs. Also, they can network anonymously and approve to reveal their privacy data like real name to other users.

If builders collect NFTs to be recognized for their work on the project and to continuously get feedback from the community, the infrastructure solutions and networks of all companies will be in constant use and will naturally achieve viral marketing. In fact, this is the ultimate goal of the project.

Careerzen can solve three problems with the existing job market.

  • The reckless fake profile on LinkedIn and recruitment platforms.
  • Difficulty for builders to verify their career growth activities
  • The challenge of getting builders to consistently use and promote infrastructure solutions

Users will be using different platforms, linkedin, twitter, reddit to post their opinions and insights into their industry. with the careerzen nft, users can display there knowledge and background to provide a different context to their post and opinions to verify their knowledge and expertise. Hereby readers can better understand the bases of an opinion and receive better feedback.

We combined Mask Network with Push Protocol and the Graph, and deployed it all on Polygon Mumbai.

How it's Made

For this project, we designed a way for users to collect career NFTs via erc-6551 TBA and authenticate their careers at once. In fact, we made it possible for users to request minting of NFTs such as achievements, memberships, etc. in group contracts, and once the contract owner confirms, users can collect those NFTs. We also implemented group contracts so that community groups can gather authenticated members and issue NFTs, and project contracts that can be created and joined by all users can request performance NFTs from community and company groups. We built a Web3 business networking platform with React and implemented Subgraph to query all data.

The user scenario for authenticating project achievements is as follows.

  1. a user creates a project or joins a project.
  2. Project members upload their work, such as code and designs, which are stored onchain.
  3. Project members ask the group to mint performance NFTs to get feedback.
  4. Group members evaluate the project, assign recipients and mint the appropriate NFTs.
  5. Project members receive their performance NFTs and permanently verify their career profile.

Below are three parts to make this social networking service more user-friendly.

We used's RelationService API to allow users to link their social accounts, including ENS and Lenstar, and create a pathway for more users to enter the web3 world with the scalability of networking. Universal Profiles with verified web3 social accounts in community groups automatically receive the Influencer NFT, and as soon as they link their GitHub repository, they receive the Career NFT, which verifies that they are a developer. This helps user gets more job offers as a hacker and gives user connections to other projects. We implemented a community group to automatically mint NFTs to members for social and GitHub verification.

To ensure that only members of a community group or project can participate in group chats, we implemented conditional gating using the Push Protocol so that only users who own a specific community membership NFT can send messages in group chats. We also implemented an alarm system for projects and community groups through this innovative Push SDK. Project owners or group owners can now receive notifications of new member additions, work updates, NFT requests, NFT minting, and more through their settings.

To manage all this career data reliably and quickly, we built and deployed a custom GraphQL API that indexes data from a smart contract to query career data for community group and project.

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