Decentralized handling of project grants and automated billing per deliverables validation via reviewers and oracles.
This project is about defining and controlling the disbursements of project grants, allocated by DAO funds.
The broad idea is to enable project initiators and sub-DAO/committees to propose dev projects; expressing the project deliverables and their completion conditions in contracts; having funds allocated once approved by the community, another DAO; reviewers validating the work done, which allows the grantees to unlock corresponding funds, potentially rated per the deliverables' evaluated completion level.
Instead of paying straight the whole amount of a proposed initiative once it is approved by a DAO community, we propose to have clear installment payments defined over time and/or rated per its completed achievements.
Like if we pay for replacing our house roof, this is costly and we want it done properly. So we usually agree on paying 30% of the agreed total billing amount at start, have eventually an intermediary payment, then the remaining amount is paid once finished & validated.
Establishing funding contracts for development projects, having their disbursements phased over different milestones or features completion, and optional acceptance criteria for rating the claimable payments.
Implemented Logic
1- The project funding contract is prepared by a committee and/or the project initiators, and submitted to DAO voting for the validation of its terms and conditions.
2- Upon validation, corresponding funds are allocated to a funding granter contract, controlled by the DAO. The project holders can start to develop, report on their achievements, request for reviews and claim for payments.
3- To evaluate and report the defined features' completion criteria, acknowledged reviewers are assigned to the project contract. They are responsible for reviewing and evaluating the features' achievements, based on artifacts & proofs provided by the project holders against the KPIs set in the project contract.
4- Once a feature completion is reviewed, it is acknowledged by the project holders and corresponding [rated] payments can be claimed.
5- In case of disputes about the evaluated completion level of a feature (impacting the rated payment amount), project holders can escalate and request for a community vote to settle.
6- In case a project is halted or is closed but has unspent funds, the latter are returned to the community funds
7- Yield farms are used for generating benefits out of stalled funds part of the treasury. Generated benefits are then distributed among the participating actors
8- A dedicated DAO governs the solution using proposals, votes and dev grants!
Technical foundations:
_ EVM compatible on-chain contracts: the L2 chains Optimism & Polygon are targeted to deploy the projects registry, factory & project contracts
_ Using āut as DAO management foundation: authentication, members ID, managing membership & roles
_ Oracles are used for evaluating project features' completion: * automated with Tellor for off-chain data requests * interactive with UMA Optimistic Oracle and its DVM (Data Verification Mechanism) support for managing disputes
_ Project grants dashboard for executors, reviewers, the assigned committee and community in general: A web UI is deployed on IPFS, as well as reference documents and AV media
_ AAVE will be integrated for yields farming of stalled treasury funds
_ ENS addresses for the payments' recipients & reviewers, to ease actors' transparency (readability & auditability)