Decentralized expense manager that creates disposable wallets so members of an organization can use a budget in designated expenses
Our mission at Boomerang is to create professional management tools to face rapid pace of professionalization of DAOs and entrance of enterprise solutions in the space. Some of the Boomerang features include:
We created a dApp managed by a smart contract deployed in the Mumbai Matic testnet using a POKT descentralized RPC URL. The SC will simulate a disposable accounts for each employee of department that will have a designated budget available for specific porpouses. An authorized spender account will be able to use the budget during an specified time frame. The budget can be of 2 types, fixed budget or stream of income asignated over time. This second budget time will be powered by super fluid. As example to show how this 2 types of expenses works, imagine an account designated to pay for an employee trip to a conference, the fixed budget could be an estimate of the cost of hotel and flights, while the stream budget can be used for per diem expenses, such as daily meals and transportation. To ensure the budget is used for what it was designed for, each vendor or category will need to be approved by the manager and the employee will get push notifications when a new vendor is get added to the list, so he/she knows where the budget can be spent. To facilitate the adoption of this tool, users will be able to log in via web3Auth using their company e-mail.