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Web3 Native Smart Recruitment Platform with Skill-Based Identities


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of

🔟 Polygon — Top 10

🥉 Lens Protocol — Best Use

🆙 Tatum — Up and Coming

Project Description

BlockFuse is web3 talent development and recruitment infrastructure. BlockFuse reinvents talent profiles with proof-of-skill badges and intelligently matches them with web3 job opportunities. We are revolutionizing the way recruitment works by making job-hunting merit-based, engagement focused, and inclusive. Whether you are a web3 company looking to hire full-time or a DAO looking for strong contributors, our platform allows you to quantitatively view candidates based on their talent ranking. Recruiting companies can also partner with our educational organizations to design and curate technical challenges for candidates to complete. As rewards for completing these challenges, candidates earn proof of skill badges which gives them a competitive edge in the recruiting process. Candidates have a platform to consolidate all the aspects of the professional identity scattered in the metaverse (GitHub, NFTs, Twitter, LinkedIn). Candidates have the opportunity to view their talent score based on their proof of skill badges and be provided a path to improving that score. Candidates can participate in sponsored challenges from hiring companies that would put them higher in the recruiting pool. Educational organizations benefit by being provided the infrastructure to aggregate and mint their own proof-of-skill badges on our platform. In addition, they are rewarded when candidates who hold their proof of skill badges are hired. Educators strengthen the reputation of their curriculum by being ranked higher with the BlockFuse algorithm, thereby enticing more learners to take those courses.

How it's Made

Lens Protocol - Talent profiles displaying proof-of-skill badges built on Lens Protocol, IPFS - dApp hosted on IPFS using Fleek, NFT assets and metadata hosted on IPFS (, Livepeer - Personalized videos uploaded and hosted using Livepeer APIs, Tatum - APIs used to mint NFT badges on Polygon testnet, APIs used to generate revenue from NFT sales, Polygon - dApp and smart contracts deployed to Polygon, signing and verifying of transactions on Polygon, WalletConnect - User sign-in and data aggregation with WalletConnect, EPNS - APIs used to send users and recruiters notification when either completes a recruiting challenge on the platform, OpenSea - Talent profile NFT data pulled from users wallet using OpenSea APIs, Storj - Used StorJ to Store the Images for Proof of Knowledge NFTs and Data Scraped from the NFTs for the ML, Skill-based job recommendation engine with natural language processing

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