We help you make your simple threads BlockBuster. Forming stories by analysing blocks, transactions & wallet addresses is now easier than ever
Today a creator posts Twitter threads when a significant event (like a hack, etc) happens. They paste screenshots from blockchain explorers (like Etherscan, etc) to validate their findings. On top of that there are thousand people publishing analysis for the same event.
For a creator, BlockBuster significantly reduces the time and effort needed from their end to create an engrossing story along with adding easy visual add-ons on top of everything.
For a reader, BlockBuster is one platform where they can find all social commentary related to a block or a transaction or a wallet (or any combination of these). Readers further get a chance to comment on these stories along with the ability to upvote or downvote a story. We will additionally allow readers to easily donate/gift to the creator of a story.
We will soon have a strong recommender mechanism in place wherein a creator will get transaction hashes and wallet address recommendations basis the text that they are typing for the post.