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BlockBooks Lab

Accounting on Web 3.0 made easy. On researching to help buidlers know their money and focus on buidling. Spend little to no time on administrative tasks with us 🌐

BlockBooks Lab

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥈 Covalent — Best Use

Project Description

Why Blockchain for Accounting? Isn't it a big pain to be an entrepreneur? 80 percent of them have failed due to poor financial management. This becomes even more challenging in Web 3.0 where TxHash of transactions happen across chains, digital assets are volatile, and gas fees are paid.

We built BlockBooks Lab to to solve these pain points.

By leveraging blockchain infrastructure, BlockBooks not only provide great financial management, but also address transparency, scalability, immutability, and securities that are currently challenging even in the traditional world.

What we do? We are here to help you, Web 3.0 builders. BlockBooks will help visualize on-chain transactions with their amount in USD and Spot Pricing, time, Wallet Address with ens name, and TxHash, allowing you to easily track your transactions across multiple-chains and wallets. BlockBooks also allows you to save contact names, label transactions with tagging category and memo, and even export them to CSV.

How it's Made

Sponsor Technology

  • Covalenthq to query transaction data across multiple chains
  • EPNS to create channels to receives notifications from smart contracts, off-chain backend services
  • Sign in with Ethereum to login and verification
  • ENS, Unstoppable domains to resolve, lookup wallet address

Future Sponsor Technology

  • IPFS to host finanical statements, reports etc
  • Superfluid integration for payrolls, rewards for DAO contributors
  • QuickNode for in depth query of data on chain
  • XMTP allowing sender to tag a transaction with a message to the receiver

Programming Languages

  • Python
  • Typescript/Node js


  • Etherscan
  • PostgreSQL/SQlite
  • Redis
  • Celery (Distributed task queue/scheduling)
  • Docker to containerize the project


  • Scraped etherscan for transaction actions because it provided a really good overview of the tx

How it pieces together: Python (Backend)

  • Get and scrape transaction details from Etherscan
  • Feed into celery
  • Celery inputs into PostgreSQL DB
  • API written with Flask to interact with DB and Frontend Frontend
  • @rainbow-me/rainbowkit to implement connect wallet and implement siwe logic
  • ethers to resolve ENS name and lookup name for address
  • @epnsproject to opt-in and receive real time notifications
  • @unstoppabledomains to resolve UNS and lookup name for address
  • @uauth to implement login with unstoppable domains
  • siwe to create siwe message to sign and verify user
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