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Eternal (onchain) damnation of crypto phishing websites. Blackpool is an open and decentralized blocklist of phishing websites, maintained and supported by the Ethereum community.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Blackpool is a daap that allows the Ethereum community to contribute phishing websites to an onchain blocklist. The goal is to have a widely-distributed list of known scam and phishing websites that other products and services can use and that is not gated by a single entity.

This way new phishing websites can be added and hopefully blocked in integrated products and services faster. Blackpool also has a tipping feature, encouraging the maintenance of the blocklist.

Blackpool also allows users to tip those that have contributed specific phishing websites to the blocklist, adding incentives for security researchers and other community members to keep the list maintained.

How it's Made

This is a daap built with React, RainbowKit, wagmi and viem on the frontend. Each chain deployed to – Scroll, Mantle and Optimism (all testnets) – has its own blocklist. The Optimism blocklist is unique in that it is centrally controlled and is maintained through Tableland. The Scroll and Mantle blocklists are open to anyone to contribute to. These Layer2s allow very cheap transactions to enable community contributions easily without having to rely on paying gas through a relayer.

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