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Axioms provides organizations a one-stop shop for certificate issuance and verification. Organizations are Safe Multi-Sig Wallets. Certificates are stored indefinitely on Arweave and user verification is done with zkProofs via Sismo Connect.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥈 Safe — Best Use of Safe{Core} for AA

🏅 Sismo — Best for Reputation-based Services

Project Description

Axioms is a platform for organizations to create and issue certificates. It uses a variety of technologies, such as safe multi-signature wallets, zkProofs, and Arweave, to make the process simple, secure, and seamless.

One of the problems that Axioms solves is the lack of user verification in traditional certification systems. For example, at an online event, organizers might distribute certificates of attendance to participants. However, there is no way to verify that the participants are real without requesting their personal information. Axioms uses zkProofs to selectively disclose personal data where needed, while maintaining user privacy.

Another problem that Axioms solves is the issue of certificate storage. Traditional certificates can be lost or destroyed, but certificates stored on Arweave are permanent.

Currently, Axioms supports the issuance of Proof of Attendance/Participation (POAP) certificates, which are unique certificates that can be shared between multiple users such as Hackathon participant certificate or Event Attendance Certificate. However, the platform can be integrated with multiple certificate types, such as 1:1 unique certificates.

Axioms also provides tools to make the certification process easier. For example, you can upload an Excel file of all the participants in a hackathon and a certificate template, and Axioms will automatically issue certificates to all of the participants.

How it's Made

Axioms is a certification generation and issuance platform that uses safe multi-signature wallets, zkProofs, and Arweave to build a secure, efficient, and user-friendly certification system.

Safe Multi-Signature Wallets

The backbone of Axioms is the safe multi-signature wallet. Organizations can create new organizations in the form of safe multi-sig wallets or import existing wallets. This ensures that all decisions related to certificate issuance are made by a group of people, rather than by a single individual.

Issuing Certificates

To issue a certificate, an organization needs to provide the addresses of the holders of the certificate. This can be done manually or by importing an Excel or CSV file. The Excel or CSV file can also include other information, such as the certificate holder's name, email address, and Twitter handle. This information will be embedded in the certificate's NFT attributes.

Organizations can also select different types of user verification. Currently, Axioms supports Twitter, GitHub, Lens profile, Gitcoin passport, ENS domains, and Proof of Humanity. This can be expanded in the future.

Once the organization has provided all of the necessary information, the certificate and associated data are uploaded to Arweave using Irys.

Deploying Certificate Contracts

Once all of the details are in place, any safe owner can propose to issue a new certificate contract. This contract is a soulbound NFT smart contract where the first layer of verification occurs through a Merkle tree whitelist. This ensures that only authorized holders can claim the certificates.

Once a threshold of signatures are done, any owner can execute the transaction and the contract is deployed.

Claiming Certificates

Once a contract is deployed, users can interact with the contract to claim their certificates. The claiming process is as follows:

  1. Users visit the certification page.
  2. They generate and verify zkProofs using Sismo data vaults.
  3. Once the proofs are verified, the smart contract is called with the Merkle proofs for that address.
  4. Once all are verified, a soulbound token is issued to the user.
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